Rainbow & Luke
a Doodle For Hunger by Luke Perry
Jughead Jonesing
somehow I neglected to tell you how amazing the show Riverdale is/was in season 1
dude, Shelly Johnson is Betty’s mom – Alice Cooper – AND SHE ROCKS!!!
dude, Dylan McKay is Archie’s dad and he’s like a blue collar Dylan McKay!
and his absentee wife (spoiler alert) is MOLLY FCUKING RINGWALD!!!
and they made Jughead a cool loner rebel dude, and cast someone who looks exactly like an adult version of him -Â Skeet Ulrich!!!!! (btw, check out the Jug actor Cole Sprouse’s secondary instagram accnt)
oh, did we forget to mention how the show is so super sassy??
and oh so salaciously succulent???
AND oh so saucy sexy??????
oh, and the new look Josie & The Pussycats are purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect (shout out to their ‘Sugar Sugar’ redo!)
oh, and there’s plenty of good teen drama, and like mystery and mayhem, and stuff, and like a zillion redheads (i love redheads)!!!
and the show ‘somehow’ changed my lifelong allegiances from Betty to Veronica????????????