One Nation Under (Yusuf) Islam

Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam 
Beacon Theatre
September 20th, 2016


We saw Cat return to form(/American soil, on his first official North American tour since 1976!) in Boston back in the winter of 2014, and it was an unforgettable night filled with much wisdom, soul, and incredible music.  We had only one want after that night – to see him again, mainly cause he didn’t play ‘Matthew & Son‘ (my favorite Cat song that isn’t ‘Lady D’Arbanville‘, which he hasn’t played since… 1976!)

Well, the opportunity arose and we seized it, and Mr Cat/Yusuf/Amazing came thru with his end of the bargain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡MATTHEW AND SON!!!!!!! bless you @yusufcatstevens

A video posted by Thigh Master (@thighmaster) on

not only that – but he took a little dig at Tears For Fears while playing it, for their song ‘Mad World’ sounding quite like his ‘Matthew & Son’ – mouthing ‘I think it’s kind of funny, I think it’s kind of strange, yes I think it’s kind of funny, that this sounds the same!‘  YOU FCUKING GO CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The 2014 tour’s name was ‘Peace Train…Late Again’, as in, he’s still be riding that train, but that train and its conductor was a little past due at its American stations.  Well, this year’s tour is called ‘A Cat’s Attic: 50 Year Anniversary Acoustic Tour’, and with less explaining about his absence this time around, he played the true troubadour, taking us on his musical life story with his 60s catalog as its soundtrack.  The cuts he dropped were a bit deeper than when we saw him before, and luckily he didn’t bother with the tunes on his last album, which were in heavy rotation on that 2014 jaunt

In these uncertain times, it’s wonderful that we can take solace in a musical genius who promotes peace, love and understanding, and so happens to be a Muslim.  The (probably not very Muslim) crowd was with Cat/Yusuf from start to finish.  The world would be a better place if it was with Cat/Yusuf’s music and its message from here on out.  Never too late to board the peace train.  WOOT! WOOT!!

Here’s hoping the next tour is called ‘I Want To Be Your Man/Lady D’Arbanville’.  And if so, that tour – oh you tour - you will be my fill, yes, you will be my fill

Set 1 - Lilywhite / Don’t Be Shy / America (Leonard Bernstein song) / Up on the Roof (Carole King cover) / Love Me Do (The Beatles cover) / Here Comes My Baby / I Love My Dog / Matthew & Son / Blackness of the Night / A Bad Night / Trouble / Katmandu / I Wish, I Wish / Miles From Nowhere / On the Road to Findout

Set 2 - Tea for the Tillerman / Sad Lisa / If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out / Into White / Father and Son / The Wind / How Can I Tell You / Sitting / The Boy With a Moon and Star on His Head / Angelsea / Oh Very Young / Novim’s Nightmare / People Get Ready (The Impressions cover) / Be What You Must / Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood (Nina Simone cover) / Maybe There’s a World -> All You Need Is Love / Peace Train

Encore  - Wild World / Moonshadow / Morning Has Broken



did you know that the Batman advisory and Joker gal pal Harley Quinn never existed prior to the 90s animated TV series AND was inspired by a Harlequin dream sequence on the soap opera Days of Our Lives, played by the actress (Arleen Sorkin) who would eventually lend her voice to the character on the cartoon???? 







In Like Lynne

Jeff Lynne’s E.L.O.
Radio City Music Hall
September 18th, 2016

E.L. FCUKING O.!!!!!!! they bring no one down. not even BRUCE!!!

A video posted by Thigh Master (@thighmaster) on

Dude, they did NOT bring ANYONE down.  Not him or her, or even Bruce.  They brought everyone UP!!!  The only thing Jeff Lynne’s E.L.O. brought down was the HOUSE!!!  bi the gay, what IS E.L.O. without Jeff Lynne anywaysz? 

Man, what a fcuking show.  It was ELECTRIC!!  There were LIGHTS!!! And, woah, how rad was that ORCHESTRA!!!  Truth in advertising!  18 songs came and went in a cool 90 minutes, but I was ready for more!

They didn’t even tackle a lot of the hits on their greatest hits, which I used as my homework for the past few months, but you want to leave your fans wanting more, right??

Hard to say I was even a fan a few months ago (most of my Jeff Lynne love came from his work as a Traveling Wilbury), but after doing that homework, I was like – woah, I know ALL these songs, and they’re ALL amazing!

You probably don’t even think you’re a fan either, but what you don’t know is that you are.  You either grew up with this music or you’ve had it shoved into your ears over the past decade  

Remember this VW Beetle ad?  

Now you do, and now you remember how awesome that ad was, and how much of a fan you are of that song, which means you’re a fan of E.L.O.  They may not have sold a single VW bug without ‘Mr. Blue Sky’!!!

or what about the trailer for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind??? 

THAT WAS SUCH A FCUKING AWESOME TRAILER, remember?  And the trailer is kinda how I remember the movie, and it probably wouldn’t be as re-memorable without E.L.O.!!  YOU LOVE E.L.O.!!!

E.L.O.?  More like E.L.F(ucking).O.!!!!!!!!!!

Setlist - Tightrope / Evil Woman / Showdown / All Over the World / Livin’ Thing / When I Was a Boy / Rockaria! / 10538 Overture / Secret Messages / Can’t Get It Out of My Head / Shine a Little Love / Wild West Hero / Telephone Line / Turn to Stone / Sweet Talkin’ Woman / Don’t Bring Me Down / Mr. Blue Sky

Encore - Roll Over Beethoven (Chuck Berry cover)


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About Face

Bridget Jones’s Baby
Meet The Parents
Official Site | Trailer & Mo
R | 123 min


I was expecting nothing from the movie where Bridget Jones is expecting, mainly cause the trailer was so so so so awful Awful AWFULLLLLLLLL!!  It looked like a dreadful TV comedy of errors, and cheerie-o, pip-pip cheekiness, and thankfully, this third installment is none of that, although the soundtrack was cheesier than the world’s largest cheese sculpture 

Bridget Jones’s Baby finds BJ single again, but this time she and Renée Zellweger are thinner, and they both have a new face.  Bridget was much more charming with the girth, and those puffy red cheeks.  Same with Renée…


BUT, underneath this new face, today’s Renée Zellweger is still our same ye olde Renée Zellweger (who was like the Jennifer Lawrence of her time).  If you want to imagine the old faced Renée, you can particularly see it in any scene where she’s wearing glasses…


But for most of the movie she isn’t wearing glasses, but you start to get used to her face, in a way you start to get use to seeing what Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill look like today (which means they don’t look as good as Harrison Ford looks today)

OK, enuff about the face, and more about the actual movie… which stars FOUR Academy Award winners!!!  Joining Zel is former beau Colin Firth, pops Jim Broadbent, and new addition, as BJ’s doc - Emma Thompson, who also co-wrote the script!  Their accolades were not mentioned in said horrible trailer, but their skills punch up a movie that serves as nothing more than a delightful one that women will enjoy today and on cable TV for eons to come

Hugh Grant sat this one out, so the new rival for BJ’s affections is Yankee Patrick Dempsey.  I’m not much of a Dempsey guy.  I left him after Can’t Buy Me Love, and never got McSteamed up by any of his subsequent work.  He’s a good foil for Colin Firth in Baby, which makes the series feel a little new, while dwelling on BJ issues very old.  Plus, we forgot much of what happened in both of the previous movies, cause the last one was TWELVE years ago, so this threequel felt both new and old!  NEWSED!!!

Man, twelves years is a long time.  Last movie we personally saw Zel in was 2008’s Appaloosa and I didn’t even remember anything about that movie, especially the fact that she was even in it.  Had to look it up.  Anywho, we hold too much onto the past, but we need to move on. Renée’s face is what is, and now we’re ready to see it again in Bridget Jones’s Journey To Uranus

By the way, what’s with Jones’s?  Why not juss Jones’??  Didn’t these English people invent English?

And what’s up with Sarah Solemani and how come we’ve never have heard of her???  She’s like a Persian-English Winona Ryder!!!  Adorablezz!!!




Verdictgo:  Jeepers Worth A Peepers

Jones for Bridget at a theater near jews

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…


Peel The Bern


MVP Berry Sanders by Poster Boy

here’s the original photo…


Detroit Lions running back Barry Sanders, left, makes his move past Washington Redskins safety Jesse Campbell, right, during first half action at Jack Kent Cooke Stadium in Landover, Maryland, Sunday, November 9, 1997

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