Tag Archives: Maryland

Peepers Jeepers

Inauguration Jeeps in IKE Salute. Rockville, Maryland, January 15, 1953 -  Sixty white jeeps which will escort the floats in the Eisenhower-Nixon inaugural parade on January 20th are shown in this air view in a salute to ‘Ike.’ The jeeps will be driven by U.S. Marines wearing full dress uniform [Getty|TBlade]


Funkin’ GoNuts For Ye Old Donuts

you are STILL missed Montgomery Donuts!!!!!!!!!!!


but you live on in our hearts, just not in our stomachs

donuts craig english

art by the GREAT Joseph Craig English



Folksy Food Fun

Hot ShoppesBethesda, Maryland location, on its last day of operation, 1995

hot shoppes maryland

here’s the very first Hot Shoppe ever, Washington, DC, circa 1927

hot shoppee

Hot Shoppes is dead, but kinda was reborn in a DC Marriott


The Hostesseses With The Mostessesses

in my hometown of Rockville, Maryland, there’s a little magical place called the Wonder Bread / Hostess Cake Bakery Thriftshop, which is basically an outlet where they sell moldy oldy baked goods, instead of giving them away for free to the rats on the street, or even homeless people.  anywho, and morse importantly – the thriftshop is also home to the three greatest signs I’ve ever seen in my life, EVER!!!

Fruit Pie The Magician

Freddy, The Fresh Guy

Twinkie The Kid

what, no love for Captain Cupcake????


Weave of Absence

absence no more!

Mr Ray’s Hair Weave

aka the 2nd Most/BestGhetto/Asscrazy/Beautiful Local Commercial(s) Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and what’s the 1st????

The Most/BestGhetto/Asscrazy/Beautiful Local Commercial Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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