Tag Archives: Quvenzhané Wallis

When The Levee Brokens

when Terrence Malick meets Push: Based On The Novel By Sapphire meets Where The Wild Things Are meets cat food étouffée, it equals…

Beasts of The Southern Wild
Official Website | Trailers & Mo
PG-13 | 93 min

see this, and believe in movie magic, again!!!!!!!!

Quvenzhané Wallis is udderly blind-mowing.  Her debut performance is the best we’ve seen since Thomas Turgoose goosed it up in This Is England. Heck, her performance instantly enters her in the child movie performance hall of fame (right alongside lasses like Portman/Tatum/Manz/Fanning(s)), and into the Oscar race, and if she’s left out, then the OSCARS CAN BLOW ME MORE THAN THEY ALREADY NEED TO!!

Oh, and Dwight Henry is amazingsz too, and so is everyone else, and so is this movie, even if it’s like watching a dream nightmare étouffée, with lots of rhyme and lots of reason, whatever that means

Verdictgo: Breast In Show

Beasts run Wild in limited release

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…


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