The Air Up There

High Line Festival
Theater at Madison Square Garden
May 10th

Air’s latest jounks, the low-key Pocket Symphony, doesn’t seem to be too popular with the kids and that’s a cryin’ shame battier. I think people tend to forget that the band who made a splash with such funtastic hits as ‘Sexy Boy’ and ‘Kelly Watch The Stars’ (both played last nite, natch), are not a pop band, but an atmospheric one. They set moods with Moogs, and what’s so stinking about it, hispecially since no one does it better than Nicolas Godin and Jean-Benoît Dunckel. Don’t spank me wrong, it’s taken me, the single greatest Air fan (besides maybe the ‘gum), several listenings of PS to fully louvre it, but if you heard these new tunes live (4 in all), you’d agree that they perfectly fit right in with the rest of their back catalog. While last night’s show was right up there in terms of beyond bestness with the two we caught back in the ’04 and the one in the ’01, I always have the same two complaints afterwards: one, it sux that they never play the songs with guest vocals (Jarvis Cocker, Beck, Beth Hirsch), and two, that their set should last at least 10 hours

Love the Air, but want more poppy cock than moody blues?
Czech out Dunckel’s Darkel!

‘At The End of The Sky’ [d|vid]

Love the Air, and want the mood, the pop, and the guest vocals?
Thens you have to seek out French Sleeper of Science/singer Charlotte Gainsbourg’s 5:55, in which our mos flavorite pseudo French gaylords provided the music for!

‘5:55’ [d|vid]

•Air image, more of dem and review over at Snusic Mobbery

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