Emo Fill Ups

In The Land of Women
The Big Shrill

If you’re a girl who loved Adam Brody as Seth Cohen on The OC, you’ll probably be the only ones who could possibly walk away from this pointlessly melodramatic dreck fest with something positive to say. The rest of us, and the ladies with taste, will be running for the exits as soon as the end credits start their scroll. In the simplest of terms, In The Land of Women is a really really sad attempt at making a Garden Statesque flick, which itself, was a really really sad attempt at making a Graduatesque flick. Hell, I wouldn’t even classify Women as a film, but more like a 90+ minuted commercial selling a hipper than thou soundtrack. Me hactually bee leave that the writer and director placed more of an emphasis on the songs than the script itself. If that were true, it sure would explain a lot… although Olympia Dukakis and Makenzie ‘sister of that frumpy Spy Kids girl’ Vega do their best to keep this Lusitania afloat

Nepotisim does not always rule in the world of directors. While Nick ‘Son of John’ Cassavetes and Sofia ‘Daughter of that dude who directed Jack‘ Coppola have proven their worth, I still don’t buy into these other kids’ work. Many were fans of Jason ‘Son of Ivan’ Reitman’s Thank You For Smoking, but I wasn’t (wonder if it has anything to do with Adam Brody’s bit part in it?). Women was written and directed by Jon, son of Lawrence ‘I wrote the screenplay for The Empire Strikes Back and brother of Jake ‘I directed Orange County so I guess that makes me a bona fide director’, Kasdan. And if you weren’t clear if Jon had actually directed the film, here are sum pics to prove it. I’m sure these papas are awfully proud of their brood, but I have to take out the ‘r’ and the ‘d’ and say boo. There are only so many movies that Hollywood releases per year, and while a majority of them blow worse than Durham prosecutors, is it really necessary for a percentage of those to be directed by these kids who grew up on a set? Time will only tell, so in he meanwhile I pray that David Fincher’s child follows in his footsteps and puts these other cats’ heads in a box

Thighmistress sez this about In the Land of Skinny, Hunched Over Bitches: Kristen Stewart officially makes me want to kill myself. Stand up straight and stop touching your face you WHORE. Oh, and when did Meg Ryan sign up for a crazy ass Botox face? This movie was chock full of annoying people, annoying situations, annoying pseudo-clever banter, and the only funny parts were with Olympia Dukakis as a shriveled up old hag who keeps reminding Adam Brody of her imminent death. I liked the scenes with Adam and Meg, however, their whole relationship was ultimately super weird and actually felt sort of creepy and Oedipal in the end. PS no one actually has huge emotional epiphanies while standing in the rain, seemingly unaware that they’re getting wet. In real life EVERYONE notices they’re getting wet. That’s what she said

Unsatisfied with this? Netflix daddy’s The Big Chill [trailers]

IMDb Sweeney: Kadsan mother Meg aint no slouch either! Bizatch was nominated for an Oscar. Wonder who’se film that was for!

Van HOT Damn!: I so want to habla con Elena Anaya, a NSFWer to keep an eye and a thigh on!

John Grisham’s Jizzum (aka Verdict): Slit Your Eyes Out Repoopulous••

In The Land of Women opens in theaters this Friday
until next thyme the balcony is clothed…

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