Potty Mouthin’ Off

why do they always have a moon on the door?

– US Patent #6,434,757 belongs to one of the most special inventions of recent memory: The Magic Cone. Now all you lovely liz-adies can finally experience what it feels like to pee like a real man. Click here for a badly drawn girl demonstration. This animation is just one step above dear old Nancy in What’s A Girl To Do. [Link via me gal YouGot2BGiddyingMe’sBible]

– Speaking of the potties, if yer taking 365 dumps, trying landing a few at one of these top 5 shitters. [Link via Amber Waves o’ Grain Alcohol]

– I thought the peeing disease I had was called “stage freight”, but tits actually called paruresis aka bashful bladder syndrome. Now if they can only find the name for the other disease I have, peeing on cans of tuna fish for no reason. [Link via Joe E Tartar]

– And finally, this has nothing to do with a toilet, but these people need your help to name their baby. Some great suggestions I gave them were Seabiscuit, Bognaface, Poontangclan, Lohandjob, and Mummenschanz.

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