Tag Archives: Zachary Heinzerling

One From The (He)art

Cutie and The Boxer
A Portrait of The Artists As An Old Man & His Old Lady
Official Website | Trailers & Mo 
R | 82 min


Ever hear of Neo-Dadist artist Ushio Shinohara? Yeah, me neither, but his work’s been shown in major museums the world over. Oh, he must be some well off dude, right? No, he basically lives from sold painting to sold painting (the artist equivalent of ‘paycheck to paycheck’), with large gaps of time between getting paid, and when they do actually sell, it isn’t nearly enough to live on. But even if this artist never got his due or is unable to pay his dues, he aint ever gonna give up, and is still going strong at age 81, making motorcycle monstrosities and his wall punching paintings. Ahh, so he’s ‘the Boxer’ in ‘s beautifully moving documentary Cutie and the Boxer. So who’s ‘Cutie’? Oh, his doting wife Noriko. She does everything for him, and gets very little in return except for endless regret. But she’s an artist in her own right – Cutie is a semi-biographical semi-comic bookish character she created – but can one family survive two starving artists, especially when one overshadows the other? This question can only be answered by seeing the doc, and that is juss what you should do!

Verdictgo: Breast In Show

Boxer does the rounds today in limited release

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…


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