Cow The Best Was Won

I love The Cowsills, and you should too


they sang about ‘Hair’, down to here, down to there

and this lil ditty, which I have not stopped listening to, and don’t ever want to stop listening to…

they’re the original Partridge Family, with a pushy evilish dad manager on par with the pushy evilness of patriarchs Joe Jackson & Murray Wilson.  what is it about pushy evilish dads that push their kids to musical greatness?  maybe the kids woulda gotten there anyway, but maybe not, without all that pushing from pops!  bless them!  damn them!

there’s a doc on The Cowsills.  I know you know nothing about them, so you should watch and learn and LISTEN!

btw, how awesome of a last name is ‘Cowsill’?  AWESOMES!

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