Things That Make You Go Hmmmmmm

Rachael Ray montage of Hmmmmms [Nipsy N]

a preggers Nancy O’Bestness, who now heads up a brand new category: MBILF, mother to be that I’d like to f$%k!!


Jack White is/as king!

•Dragon’s Lair comin to Blu-Ray

the last DeLorean built is up for sale

Roger Waters‘ new ditty ‘Hello (I Love You)’ [d] from The Last Mimzy sdtrk

This Website Stinks: An Unofficial Tony Kornheiser Website, now with 100% less Joe Thighsmann

Anna Nicole Smith Finally Reaches Target Weight

Lost Levels, unused bonus games, more unused sprites & debug mode for Super Mario Bros 3!

Twelve Fantastic McDonald’s Placemats

people who intersleuth for How to look like a sluty wife

& the David Bowie curated Higline Festival, which features the likes of the Arcade Fire, Air, and rare NYC apperances of Daniel Freakin Johnston AND RICKY GERVAIS (!!!!), who is hoping to mcnab Prince for a series finale special of Extras, and, if you didn’t know, is probs-blee the funniestestiest lil fat man on the planet (Stephen Merchant isn’t fat, but he’s fab!)!

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