Thighs By ThighswestDay 2
The Good, The Bad & The Queen
Webster Hall
March 12th

[muse sick spy]
As an album TGTB&TQ is a spirited and all around beyond solid effort. As a concert, tits exactly like listening to the album, since the gang play it from song one til song end (+ a B-side & and unfinished ditty), but it is not such a rock and/or rolling affair. Those looking to jump around would probably have to wait another night when the Fab Faux take up residency. TGTB&TQ’s show was more like a performance than a concert, which is purty much how I felt about the Apollo Gorillaz shows last year. One blizzoger said it breast, ‘The crowd was more impressed with who was on stage rather than the music itself.‘ Regardless of the rump shakenlessness and sorta-lameness of the crowd, the show ruled, juss like it’s ringleader. Can’t wait to see what Alban has up his sleeve next go around cause I’ll be there with bells on and cows on and most likely cowbells on!
‘Kingdom of Doom’ [d]
what, you lookin for an album that gives TGTBTQ a run for bestest of 2007? try this on for thighs
‘Young Folks’ [d]
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