Tag Archives: Jafar Panahi

This Is Not A Movie Review

This Is Not A Film
Iraning In Place
Official Website | Trailers & Mo
Not Rated | 75 min

Jafar Panahi is an Iranian filmmaker currently not allowed to be an Iranian filmmaker, nor write screenplays, get interviewed or leave the country for 20 years, and at some point is to be imprisoned for 6 years.  Why?????  Because he’s an Iranian filmmaker that makes films in Iran that don’t seem to make the powers that be in Iran all that happy.  Is there anything that makes those guys happy????  What Jerkholes!!!

So, with nothing but time on his idle hands, Panahi enlists his documentarian buddy Mojtaba Mirtahmasb to film him doing pretty much nothing cept hanging around the house wondering what to do next, when he can’t really do anything.  Yep, it’s basically the world’s most boring free speech documentary going, but an important one lessthenone!

moral of the story – kinda long, even at 75 minutes, This Is Not A Film shouldn’t be considered movie watching entertainment, BECAUSE IT’S NOT A FILM OR A MOVIE OR SOMETHING, but more like a really dry 60 Minutes exposé on censorship without any questions being asked of the bad guys, but still, Panahi’s plight is worth your time & attention, even if the non-movie-flick-cinema-doc-thing isn’t really, but still!!!

This & Not That: our two favorite not things is be…

this shirt is black not

Verdictgo: Jeepers Sorta Worth A Peepers

This Is Not A Film is currently not a film playing in limited release, but it is

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed..


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