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Left Center Out




As a 7 year old, I wasn’t very good at baseball, but that didn’t mean that I wasn’t going to try my best, and try to be as awesome as Jim Palmer was, who was my favorite player, not cause he looked so good with little on, but cause he was my brother’s favorite, and I followed whatever my brother did (back then)  

And so I played two seasons of little league ball – one with a pitching machine – so cool and hittable!!  followed by another season, but with actual kids pitching – man that sh!t be hard!  I sucked and so I stopped.  The one main highlight of my short career was when my parents and I got to run the ballpark’s snackbar.  I think I probably ate like 28929829 sno-cones and 3912929129 bags of popcorn!!!  Eating – where I’m a hall of famer!!!

I continued to be an Orioles fan for years after, until they sucked and then I stopped.  Then baseball return to DC.  Was happy to have it back, but they sucked, so I didn’t get sucked in, until they sucked so bad that they got Stras and Harper and Rendon and now I’m all in and love baseball even more than I did when I was 7


OK, enuff with the past, and on with the future.  Getting married Sunday, and then off for two weeks.  Until then, keep your thighs wide shut (and eyes glued to twitter and instasham)

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the return of Photochop Friday?????*


World War ZZ Topps




Hertz So Good



One Kid’s Garbage Is Another Kid’s Pail of Treasure

gpk small Joan Fernbacher, the manager of the Candy Alley candy store in Brentwood, watches some fast trading of Garbage Pail Kids cards. from left are the Abrams kids -Matthew, 8, Jonathan, 10, Benjamin, 5, and Susan, 6.  photograph caption dated February 23, 1986 probably from this article

Garbage Pail Kids: Trash Collection or Good Humor?


Art Spiegelman on the Birth of Garbage Pail Kids

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