Tag Archives: Hands Across America

In Rod Serling We Us

Mirror Madness
Official Site | Trailers & Mo

R | 114 min

Jordan Peele likes his zones twilighted, and his third acts a bit twisted.  I appreciate that.  I like his efforts, his ideas, his attempts.  Not sure I fully love the executions.  I mean, he’s got the spirit, but let’s all stop trying to anoint him as the next Rod Serling, Alfred Hitchcock, or whoever they want to call him the next version of after only two movies that were merely good, not mind blowing

With Get Out, it was nothing really fresh, especially if one had ever read or seen The Stepford Wives.  If you saw The Stepford Wives, you’d be like, OK, nice little movie Get Out is, but really, nothing ALL that crazy to see here people 

His new one Us felt original (I hadn’t seen The Twilight Zone episode that inspired Peele until after the fact), and was certainly a step above Get Out, but after a strong eerie first act, I started to grow distant from the film in its blood-splattered second act, and didn’t fully buy into its third, where reveals are further revealed.  BUT, great visuals JP!  Love those hands across America!  And the double duty the actors had to pull – they shirley pulled it off!  But pulling a rabbit out a hat?  Sure, nice lil trick there, but it wasn’t exactly a treat I could fully bite into

Still, Peele’s stuff is appealing, and I’ll keep coming back, even if I’m not fully on board with it… yet!

Although I’m totally onboard with this boat!!!

Verdictgo: Jeepers Worth A Peepers

Us is you at a theater near… you!

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…


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