Marvel Comic

And Iran, I Ran So Far Away
Trailers & Mo

A black and white cartoon, drawn like The Critic, about growing up during the Islamic Revolution in Iran, all in French? Sounds about as eggciting as having yer balls shaved with sandpaper covered in skunk and spunk juice, eh? Those were our thoughts eggzactly, that is until we emerged from the theater absolutely glowing over one of the bestest and brightest memoirs we’ve seen this year… and we’ve seen a buttload of good ones too (Diving Bell, La Vie En Rose, etc, etc, etc). Persepolis is Marjane Satrapi’s telling autobiographic novel beautifully transformed from page to screen, with the help of underground French comic artist Vincent Paronnaud. Not only are we presented with her killah coming of age tale, where her parents eventually send her to a very foreign Vienna for schooling and when she returns back home, she almost feels more exiled than she did in Austria, but it’s also a poignant history lesson on modern Iran, which was more educational than anything we’ve found in an American textbook or periodical. So why’s this baby in French? Well that’s cause Satrapi resides in Paris, and luckily for us, that means we’re treated to some top notch frog voicework. Real-life daughter and mother Chiara Mastroianni and Catherine Deneuve lend their pipes to play Satrapi and her mother, and not so oddly enuff, Danielle Darrieux voices the grandmother, which marks the 5th time that she’s played Deneuve’s mother in a film! So stop JOing to that fromagey Pixar pic and go see Persepolis, a cartoon that the whole family can not only enjoy, but learn something from

Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want: now could someone peas greenlight a big screen adaptation of Maus, Art Spiegelman’s thumbcredible graphic novel about his Holocaust surviving father

John Grisham’s Jizzum (aka Verdict): Breast In Show

Persepolis opens in limited theaters on 12/25

until next thyme the balcony is clothed…

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