Falkor & Sloth, Together 4ever

Has it ever been your wet dream for Martika (‘Toy Soldiers’, vid in English OR live in Spanish!), Fergie (Kristen Johnston‘s alias in Black Eyed Peas), Rudy from The Monster Squad and several other youthsters from Kids Incorporated to sing Limahl of Kajagoogoo fame’s ‘The Neverending Story‘ [vid] AND Cyndi Lauper‘s of Cpt Lou offspring fame’s ‘The Goonies R Good Enough‘ [vid, which includes Steven Spielberg in hipster clothing]? Well, shiz happened on Episode 15: ‘The Phantom of the P*lace’ of Kids Inc‘s ’85 season (‘Somebody’s Watching Me’ was also played). I couldn’t find him in the vid below, but there’s a good chance that Mario Lopez/AC Slater was prancin around the set somewhere

[Nipsy Newbsy]

and although the Kids Inc theme song was purty darn dope, nutin can touch 3-2-1 Contact‘s shazzle bedazzle [vid|wav]!!

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