Last Tango & Cash Withdrawal

kurt over the hudson?

– Tis no Lohan/Fez parting, but who woulda thunk Kurt & Goldie were headed to Splitsville, USA? Some say Goldie’s snatch had gotten smelly, others claim it was her desire to play the Kim Cattrall role in a shot-by-shot remake of Big Trouble In Little China directed by Gus van Sant, but me thinks Kurt realized juss how fourging annoying and un-talented his sorta-stepchildren, Kate & Oliver Hudson, were.

– Semi-speaking of Her Former Royal Fezness, LL-Cool-Thighs threw a ‘tantrum’ at JFK airport last Sunday, which in turn delayed a flight and pissed off many a passengers. Who cares, right? Well, at least watch this qwik vid of her boobs being pressed together! [last via Da Brazilian aMUSEing Gal]

– Yo, can some one hook me up wit Kofi Ananananan digits? Cause I wanna see if he can hook me up with Nicole ‘Citizen of the World’ Kidman, so I can bang help her conceive.

– Ready for some Holiday Christmas shopping? What’s sure to be the most un-returnable gift, yet have the highest re-sale value on eBay this post-Christmas? Ponchos knitted by Catherine-Zeta-Jones-McDonald-Douglas. And what gift is sure to gift our dear readers the runs? The Rachael Ray Cook Book Collection. What to get someone who hates cats? This. And nothing sez I love you like the famed a Virgin Mary grilled cheese! [last via Guns n’ Rosenthal]

Fallujah Gone Wild! [via Nipsy Newbsy]

– Get yer Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy tease on! [via Use My Comps]

– Didn’t pick up the new Playboy with Denise ‘The Brains’ Richards yet? Here’s a peek-a-jizz for you! [NSFWness via I Ate My Cubes]

– How come uber-fly chicks don’t work at my local McDonalds? [via Fleaski]

– The Muppets take Brooklyn!

– Life went on without David Lee Roth, but hopefully yer life wont if yer ever in an ambulance and he’s YOUR PARAMEDIC!

– Lizadies, let me help you, by you helping me. [via Mr de la Roachclip]

– Apparently back in the way day, anyone and everyone made an LP. Here’s the proof.

Smoking ban proposed for England. What next, a Fat Albert big screen adventure?

– Fatboy Slim sure sweats an awful lot.

69 hamburgers in 8 minutes, Takeru Kobayashi, you truly are the messiah!

– Just in case you didn’t see the headline of last week made by President, tear it is: All I Want For Christmas Is To Shove My Cock Down Your Thrizz.

– And the Fiddler made my day with this Cuthbert snap and I hope it makes yers…

agent orange squeeze all the juice til it runs down my legs

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