Much Ado About Nazis
Hows comes wees never heard of Scontri stellari oltre la terza dimensione aka Star Crash aka the wurstest spicy Italian Star Wars rip-off to star both David Hasselhoff AND Christopher Plummer? Roll the ugliness
[Monks Help]
And hows comes wees never knew Squid daddy Noah Baumbach gets to ask Jennifer Jason Leigh ‘who’s yer daddy?‘ every night?
And hows comes we have yet to see one Slit Your Eyes Out Repoopulous movie this year?
Good thing I didn’t ask Mr Owl any of these questions. He woulda bit my cock off as if his name was Whobitzor Cockoff
While we’ve lost all respek for Sacha Baron Cohen, we’d like to re-lose our virginity to his un-kosher, but much kosher wifey Isla Fishy
He hates these cans, but how could he hate he 59th Festival de Cannes wit a lineup like dis?!
When Kermit met the Encyclopedia Britannica kid
The ‘In a world‘ guy stops by our world, the MotMI, tonight [Not Marvcus Garvey]
Bestest Brazilian mp3 site u haven’t been hittin up: Musecology
Bestest Brazilian wax you wish you could be hittin up: not any of these three NSFW hello nasties
He blinded me with blogging
I want to make love to Lily Allen’s myspace background. Ver-dick’s still out on wether or snot I want to make love to Lily Allen. Wait, who fuck is Lily Allen?
Who’s got mo buzz than Buzz Aldrin? Ezra Buzzington
The Streets + Blur = Streetlife [d vis Pure A Ton]
Taco Town comes alive like Frampton [Super Thighs Me]
Frank Kozikcize yer kid
Top 15 Strangest Coincidences [Chow Down Moses]
Pink is the new creepy [vid via Menyinc]
House of Beer Cars [Data Processor]
Farts can cause fires + some facts about fart
and happy 4/20, to everyone, cept Hitler, who was born on this day. And in your dishonor, here’s some melon del water you fucking anti-semite prick daddy…

and yes, that’s Gallagher, of Gallagher fame