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Bib Red

extremely rare Bib Fortuna figure with a red cape

[current Bid – $26,000]

the Kenner prototype never made it into packaging for sale, but red caped Bib Fortuna was used in both catalogs and the card backs for Return of The Jedi figures

this is what the actual Bib Fortuna figure looked like

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Я You With Me?

Toys Я Us – you are not yet gone, and yet I already miss you.  I always have.  I miss my grandparents taking me there to pick out whatever I wanted for my birthday (Star Wars or GI Joe figures).  I miss grabbing those price tickets to get the latest Nintendo or Sega Genesis game.  I miss going down EVERY single aisle and dreaming of having it all (like those small motorized cars that were always too much $$$).  I miss the opportunity to enter and win Nickelodeon’s Super Toy Run, which I never had a chance of winning – but I always held out hope that I would.  The store may soon be dead, but the dream and dreams will never be.  You will always be a part of me.  You Я!

much stolen from 2 Warps to Neptune

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