The Princess Bride was released in theaters 20 years ago on this very day. It rawked the his and her-house, and you already know this, so we'll dispense with the pageantry and get on with the...
Finestest Rhymin' Dog Paddlin' Brute Squad Member Who Formerly Was Unemployed, In Greenland Fezzik
Biggestest Academy Award Oversight Besides Walter Sobchak Getting ZERO Love only ONE! Oscar nomination which was for Best Original Song Willy De Ville/Mark Knoplfer's 'Storybook Love' [d]
The Mos Memorable Single Word Spoken On Screen Since The Graduate's 'plastics' 'Mawage' ('Inconceivable!' placed 2nd)
Prince Humperdinck's Wettest Dream Ex-Wife Susan Sarandon cleansing her breasts with lemons
Lastest Thing I Want To Encounter In A Dark Alley or The Fire Swamps Besides Brian Peppers R.O.U.S.eses
Photochopinest Grandpa Idea Waiting To Be Made Queer As Falk
Mos Accomplisheded Adolescent Mission to see Princess Buttercup (somewhat) naked
The Battle To End All Battles Including Arnaz Battle
The Battle of Wits betwixt Westley & Vizzini
Dopestest Book The Movie Was Based On That You Never Thought To Read William Goldman's The Princess Bride which includes Inigo & Fezzik's backstories!!
Truly The Bestest Albino Mt EVERest w/Mouth Sores! The Albino
Equally As Klassic Rob Reiner Flick Made The Year Before! Stand By Me