Thursday, April 21
Moby Webster Hall April 20, 2005
To be perfectly honest, when this show was first announced, I wasn't jumping up and down with a jump rope eggcited. That was probably due to the fact me has seen Cpt Baldie a bunch of times before (Hammerstein, Area One AND Two, etc) and didn't feel he could offer anything new. But alas, tat twas well b4 my virgin ears eared the bestest album thus far of the '05, Hotel . And now that I had seen (or heard) the light, there was no doubt in my resin-filled mind that my bizooty was going to get all frizuty at this show. Spank the good Lord that I did, cause the Yul Brynner of rocktronica still puts on one of the mos enjoyable shows around. Eat dat Peanut Eminememnem! And since tit'twas Webby Hall, this would be closest I've been to the vegan who tells the lamest of the lame stories in between songs.
With David Bowie overseeing the festivities, he tore thru his eggstensive back catalog, 'Honey', 'Go', 'South Side', 'Feeling So Real', 'Bodyrock', and one of me mos flavorite tunes of all thyme, 'Porcelain', gave a lil love to 18 (which deserves about that amt of love), threw in a cover of Mission of Burma's '(That's When I Reach for My) Revolver' [download the Burma version or Moby version], and treated us all to a large chunk of the aforementioned album of the year (thus far). And unlike a lot of shows where the performer(s) play a lot of new sitzz that blows (like when I saw Huey Lewis & The Snooze @ Bowery), this was actually something I welcomed with open arms & thighs. Of course I jizzed my pants when he rawked 'Raining Again' [download], but I had to change my undies 6+ times for the rest of the new jounks as well. Good thing I always bring 10 pairs of my Calvins with me wherever I may foam. Towards the end of the show, I was growing a bit weary. There were two songs I was yearnin' and burnin' for him to play. The first being his brills rendering of the Bond Theme, but agas that was a no-show tonight. Howevski, he did come thru in the camel clutch and skizzy skizzled the 2nd song in question and the 2nd best tune off of the new disc, 'Lift Me Up' [download]. Next, I blinked and the show had ended. On cloud nine, yet mired in swamp ass, I departed, headed to Walgreens, bought me some Raisinettes, an apple juice, and a dollar DVD of The Pied Piper of Hamlin (which one day I'll remake). Then off to the 1/9 hizzy cause like Mobes would say, 'here we are now going to the west side.' Even Ali G agrees, 'Wesside is the best!'