Wednesday, July 21
- Stop the presses: Jenna Bush sticks out her tongue at the media!!! Normally I would be turned on by any such thing involving her mouth, but she's all Bitched @ Swirth with poison preventer, Mr Yuk. [Scoop via Navi]
- Beck has recruited the Dust Brothers to work on his new album. I guess that means this one will actually have a chance at being good, which would be the exactl opposite of his last disc, the booooooooring/slumber-fest known as Sea Change.
- Is it football season yet? Not soon enuff, but Redskins training camp starts July 31st!!!!!! Get a free invitation to attend here.
- Meet the Russian Michael Jackson.
- Mayor Mike's daughter Georgina looks mad fly with a riding cap on, but not so much without it. Maybe I should concentrate my efforts on Ivanka Trump.
- Are these cards more worthless than a complete set of Garbage Pail Kids Series 412?
- Hot bike. Hot chick not included.
- Peace the f%$k out Guided By Voices. Catch em while you can.
- American cigarette companies should take note of this. But then again, they actually want people to buy their nicotine treats and die. [Link via Guns 'n' Rosenthal]
- That is one giant ball o' paint, I tells ya. [Link via Zach de la Roachclip]
- Inmates escape to buy beer. Then return to jail with beer.
- Pathetic: Prince Charles takes his 1st cab ride ever. Maybe mumsy will allow him to buy his 1st porno mag too.